The doves of peace have scattered. War has become the raging monster, the avenger of past lost glory and power.
The doves of peace look for safe refuge, but finding none, they are now hidden in the hopes and dreams of the people.
What was once a land of aspirations and beauty, has become a killing field, where life itself has become mixed with Mother Earth, its rainbow-colored flowers replaced by bombs, land mines, bullets and missiles. Tears of sorrow now water the Earth.
The laughter of children is only a recent blurred memory, and in its place a dark foreboding fear of the unknown. Humanity, stunned by this unwarranted transgression, has now awakened, seeking the wisdom of nations to end this brute attack on freedom.
It will find a way, and… Humanity will free the doves of peace once again.
They will rise and spread their wings of freedom, gifting what was lost, healing the wounds of war, embracing the hopes, the dreams, the future, and the dignity of a suffering people.
This reflection is dedicated to all victims of oppression.