Web header for Women's Leadership Luncheon 2025. Purple and blue  illustration of the elephant and forget me knot flowers.

Dr. Margaret Flanagan’s keynote speech will examine the prediction, prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s and other dementias.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Networking: 11 to 11:30 a.m.
Program: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Italian Community Center
631 E. Chicago St.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Directions and Parking Information (PDF)

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Featured Speaker:

Women's Leadership Luncheon 2025 speaker Dr. Margaret Flanagan. She is speaking this year in St. Louis, Milwaukee and Mankato, Minnesota.

Radical Nonviolent Peacemaking Strategies – Secrets from the Women of the Torah

Dr. Margaret (Maggie) Flanagan

Associate Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio

Dr. Margaret (Maggie) Flanagan is an associate professor of pathology and laboratory medicine and holds the inaugural Endowed Baptist Health Foundation of San Antonio’s Distinguished Chair in Alzheimer and Neurodegenerative Diseases at the University of Texas (UT) Health Science Center, San Antonio. As a physician-scientist and board-certified neuropathologist, she is committed to deciphering the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying dementia to enhance diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for these complex disorders.

Dr. Flanagan's passion for medical science is deeply influenced by her family background. Born in the United States to an Irish father who gained American citizenship through his service in the U.S. Army, her family moved back to Ireland shortly after her birth. They planned to settle in Ireland long-term. However, due to increasing political unrest known as "the Troubles" in the late 1980s, they returned to the U.S. just before Dr. Flanagan started kindergarten. This early experience of mobility and exposure to different cultures would later influence her approach to global health challenges. Her mother, a registered nurse for 46 years before the onset of a devastating rapidly progressive dementia, was a graduate of the Academy of Our Lady in Mount Greenwood, Chicago, a high school run by the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND). This connection to a community dedicated to education and service profoundly shaped Dr. Flanagan's career path, instilling in her a commitment to compassion and excellence in health care. The loss of her mother to dementia in July 2023 after a seven-year battle with the disease marked a deeply personal tragedy for Dr. Flanagan. During her mother's illness, Dr. Flanagan served as her primary caregiver and held power of attorney, confronting firsthand the challenges that families face when dealing with neurodegenerative diseases. This personal experience has further fueled her dedication to her research and her determination to find better treatments for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.


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R.S.V.P. by February 20, 2025

Sponsorship Opportunities

For more information, contact:
Kristen Padovano | 262-787-1036 | kpadovano@ssndcp.org

School Sisters of Notre Dame

320 East Ripa Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63125

Phone: 314-561-4100



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