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Featured Speaker:
Peaceful Leadership at All Ranks – Having a Positive Impact from Your Seat
District Chief Stacy Murphy
Saint Paul Police Department,
Western District
Stacy Murphy is currently the District Chief for the Western District at the Saint Paul Police Department. She has been with the Saint Paul Police Department for over 21 years. District Chief Murphy has worked in patrol, investigations, community engagement, administration and numerous other roles within the Saint Paul Police Department.
District Chief Murphy was selected as a member of the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team as a patrol officer and was the only woman on the team at that time. Throughout her time with the Saint Paul Police Department, she has risen through the ranks to her current position as the District Chief, running the Western District's day-to-day operations and supervising over 100 employees.
For more information, contact:
Heather Spann | 507-389-4230 | hspann@ssndcp.org