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Blue painting with words: Strength, Compassion, Wisdom. Painting by Sister Mary Augustine Hatch, SSND (1896-1974).The School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) offer annual Women’s Leadership Luncheons to bring women together to reflect on the integration of the spiritual and professional dimensions of life. The luncheons continue SSND’s commitment toward helping women make the most of their unique talents so they can positively impact their homes, workplaces and communities.

In 2019, the luncheons will focus on human trafficking including: the causes, who is targeted and what is being done to eradicate it. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigations, human trafficking is believed to be the third-largest criminal activity in the world and includes forced labor, domestic servitude and sex trafficking. Many people consider human trafficking to be a problem that only affects other countries, but Unluckythirteen.org cites an estimated 300,000 children in the U.S. become victims of sex trafficking every year. Human trafficking is a prevalent problem that affects small and large communities; yet few people know it’s occurring in their own neighborhoods.

Each Women’s Leadership Luncheon will feature a speaker who is knowledgeable about human trafficking and who is working to eradicate it. Participants will gain an understanding of SSND’s stance on human trafficking and what sisters are doing to remedy the problem. The luncheons will be held in March at locations in Milwaukee, Dallas, St. Louis and St. Paul.

You’re invited to attend a luncheon to discover how your strength, compassion and wisdom can help eliminate the problem of human trafficking in your community. Networking opportunities begin at 11 a.m. The lunch and program will run from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event is free but registration is required.

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For more information about the event in your area, select one of the following:

Milwaukee Event     Dallas Event     St. Louis Event     St. Paul Event


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School Sisters of Notre Dame

320 East Ripa Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63125

Phone: 314-561-4100



© 2022 School Sisters of Notre Dame
