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School Sisters of Notre Dame continue a legacy of leadership at LCWR

First founded in the 1950’s, The Leadership Conference of Women Religious ( LCWR ) is an association of women leaders from Catholic congregations from across the United States. The School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) have been active with LCWR since the beginning, contributing the thoughtful insight and experience of our own leadership to the collective voice of the organization.

SSND await the start of the next session during the LCWR conference in August 2024

In August, LCWR held its national assembly, bringing together women religious from across the country and across congregations to consider critical issues facing our world, as well as the challenges and opportunities of religious life in this moment.

LCWR writes in their Call for 2023-2028, “We, the members of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) are living the gospel call at a critical juncture in human history. Aware that the world’s future depends upon the decisions that are made in the next few years, we embrace our responsibility to make choices that support the good of all life on this planet. We also recognize the state of US religious life is shifting and that significant decisions are before each of us that will impact the development of this vocational call.”

In this time of important reflection and action, provincial council member, Sister Sandra Helton is beginning a new role as a board member for LCWR.

Provincial Councilor Sister Sandra Helton.

“What is most inspiring to me about LCWR is all the different communities coming together,” said Sister Sandra. “It’s about working with sisters from all over - you can become insulated otherwise. LCWR broadens your perspective on religious life and helps you think beyond just your own processes.”

“Taking on this new role, I am looking forward to contributing to LCWR’s decision-making process and finding new ways of reaching out to others who are not in LCWR - making an impact with a different voice. This conference brings out issues in ways we can make new avenues. I am interested in seeing how others are making changes in what religious life will look like, the emerging future of religious life.”

In addition to Sister Sandra, provincial council member, Sister Mary Kay Brooks is another SSND lending her leadership to LCWR. Sister Mary Kay is regional district leader for district nine, which encompasses one community in the upper peninsula of Michigan and one community in northern Illinois.

“This role brings an added responsibility, but it's an opportunity to share what’s happening nationally and bring it back to a local level,” said Sister Mary Kay. “But then we can also take the local stories and struggles back to LCWR and ask, ‘How can you help?’ LCWR is such a good support system for leaders to collaborate and share best practices.”

LCWR members engage in various committees to carry forward the goals and initiatives developed during the conferences. LCWR is also a valuable resource for research, thoughtful leadership and articles on issues of theology, psychology and other topics of importance to religious communities. The organization produces various publications, which are promoted throughout the Central Pacific Province.

“Being involved in LCWR is important because the impact of multiples reaches a broader audience,” said Sister Sandra. “It's important to have the SSND voice as part of the mix – how we work, who we are – we have a lot to offer.”

Learn more about the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR).


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School Sisters of Notre Dame

320 East Ripa Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63125

Phone: 314-561-4100



© 2022 School Sisters of Notre Dame
