Photography and prayer
Sisters find their calling in many different areas and discover new callings in time. For Sister Kathleen Storms, SSND, photography became a newfound purpose. Her work has been featured in many SSND publications and will now be the cover of Eastern Iowa’s Regional Telephone Directory.
“I would never call myself a photographer, but I do enjoy catching the spirit of a scene,” Sister Kathleen explains. “I use a very uncomplicated Nikon Coolpix [camera] that I acquired before I went on a trip to the Holy Land in January 2010. Its many settings allow me to take nature scenes, which are my favorite.”
Sister Kathleen’s photo of an October sunrise at Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat in Wheatland, Iowa, was chosen out of many entries for the cover of the 2015-16 Eastern Iowa Regional Telephone Directory. The phone book will represent 14 area phone companies.
Although Sister Kathleen does not view herself as a professional, she encourages others to try it and explore the world around them.
“I take out my camera when something catches my attention,” she said. “Now that many of us [SSNDs] have iPhones with the capability of taking high quality photos and videos, I encourage us to see mystery in the ordinary. For me, it is a source of prayer and meditation. There is nothing magical about a good photo. Allow your spirit to guide you!”
Photo by Sister Kathleen Storms