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Living Earth Center

Living Earth Center, formerly known as CESRMThe Living Earth Center is the new name for the Center for Earth Spiritualty and Rural Ministry (CESRM), an SSND ministry located at Our Lady of Good Counsel, Mankato, Minnesota. The Living Earth Center began the process of becoming a nonprofit corporation in the fall of 2016, by establishing a Future Planning Committee. In early 2017, the first board of directors was established and shortly after, Laura Peterson was hired to be the new director.

The first annual Living Earth Center picnic was held on August 25, 2018. The Living Earth Center was celebrating their newly attained non-profit status, as well as a shortening of their name from CERM to Living Earth Center. Featured: Sister MarThe board evaluated the name of the organization. It was noted for a number of years that the name Center for Earth Spiritualty and Rural Ministry was not always used and that many people, only used the acronym CESRM. It was agreed a shorter name could best reflect the work being done and would be easier to remember. Living Earth Center was chosen. The Living Earth Center continues the mission seeking a sustainable future for all through education, advocacy and collaboration among all spiritual traditions and diverse cultures.

Living Earth Center Picnic held at OLGC on Saturday, August 25, 2018.The Living Earth Center hosted its first annual Living Earth Picnic on August 25. Community members were invited to a picnic meal featuring storytelling, music, yard games and fellowship to celebrate the diversity that makes up the Community Garden, located on Good Counsel Hill.

In the spirit of SSND, Living Earth Center will continue to uphold these values:

Two little ones enjoying the Living Earth Center Picnic held at OLGC on Saturday, August 25, 2018.

  • Sustainability - Cultivate sustainable environmental, social and organizational solutions that have positive long-lasting effects.
  • Education - Provide opportunities where minds can be opened, ideas can be shared and growth can take place.
  • Advocacy - Empower action and advocacy to bring about systemic change.
  • Collaboration - Collaborate and cross-pollinate ideas and strategies that help to make a healthy thriving Earth community.
  • Inclusion - Value diversity within eco, social and Earth systems recognizing the interconnectedness of all.
  • Spirituality - Embrace all spiritual paths and encourage deeper relationships with self, each other, Earth and the Universe.
  • Stewardship - Provide opportunities for all to be good stewards.

To see photos from the first annual Living Earth Picnic, visit the SSNDCP Facebook page.

To learn more about the Living Earth Center, visit their website.


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School Sisters of Notre Dame

320 East Ripa Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63125

Phone: 314-561-4100



© 2022 School Sisters of Notre Dame
