The foundation of the Laudato Si' Action Platform commitment made by SSND, and countless other organizations is a commitment to participate in the healing of Earth, and to living in right-relationship with all in our planet’s community of life. Central Pacific Province’s Laudato Si' Action Platform Implementation Team has been working hard, helping the congregation live out the Laudato Si' goals as part of the seven-year commitment.
This year, Sisters Kathleen Storms, Paulette Zimmerman, Mary Lorentz and Lynne Schmidt wrote a beautiful Lenten reflection that connect Laudato Deum quotes with readings of the Gospel, accompanied by images taken by Sister Catherine Bertrand. Follow along each week with a different reflection!
First Sunday of Lent
“This is the sign that I am giving for all ages to come, of the covenant between me and you and every living creature with you: I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” Genesis 9:8–15
“If we are confident in the capacity of human beings to transcend their petty interests and to think in bigger terms, we can keep hoping that COP28 will allow for a decisive acceleration of energy transition, with effective commitments subject to ongoing monitoring.” Laudate Deum #54
We have shown through the ages that human beings and all life are resilient, can think beyond themselves and commit to greater care and relationship with all the Earth. We are interconnected with an unbreakable bond of love with the Source of all beings and each other.
Be aware of how you are interconnected. Sense that you are surrounded by a love strong enough to change your world.
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Second Sunday of Lent
“All the communities of the earth shall find blessing in you.” Genesis 12:3
“Authentic faith not only gives strength to the human heart, but also transforms life, transfigures our goals and sheds light on our relationships with others and with creation as a whole.” Laudate Deum #61
During this Lenten time can I “fast” from buying and consuming non-essentials? Can I “pause longer” and “listen more attentively,” giving myself and Earth a rest? And in that quiet, ask what is most needed for my transformation, for deepening my relationship with others and Earth?
Transfigured One, you are present at every moment and in all your creatures. Free me from those things that keep me from recognizing your hidden face in everyone and in all of creation.
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Third Sunday of Lent
“Give me a drink.” John 4:6-42.
“A healthy ecology is the result of interaction between human beings and the environment…(and) include(s) the interaction of natural systems ‘with social systems.’” Laudate Deum #27
Jesus asks the Samaritan woman to give him a drink. After a theological discussion, she, a foreigner, and marginalized woman, preaches the message of salvation to her town. Could we share the message of the sacredness of water, of the interaction within humans and other forms of nature with those who are part of our lives? Years ago, we had a practice of tracing a cross with our finger on a glass of water before drinking it as a reminder of water being a sacred gift. This could be a good time to revive that practice.
Many of us have lived where the water was not potable, but we were able to make necessary adjustments. These past months I have been acutely aware of the people with no access to potable water, especially the Palestinians caught in the war between Israel and Hamas. Their thirst that leads them to drink contaminated water results in disease and even death. War, poverty, inadequate infrastructure, politics, pollution, and other causes have kept safe drinking water from many of our communities.
Creating God, thank you for the gift of water. May we be mindful of those who do not have safe drinking water and work to change our lifestyles and other conditions that prevent our sisters and brothers from this necessity for life.
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Fourth Sunday of Lent
“Live as children of light, for light produces every kind of goodness and righteousness and truth.” Ephesians 5:8-14
Jesus “was able to invite others to be attentive to the beauty that there is in the world because he himself was in constant touch with nature, lending it an attraction full of fondness and wonder. … he often stopped to contemplate the beauty sown by his Father and invited his disciples to perceive a divine message in things.” Laudate Deum #64
Both Ephesians and the Gospel emphasize the importance of light. Plants grow through photosynthesis, eating the light and generosity of the sun, which pours out tons of energy every minute and never says to Earth, “You owe me.” Jesus says, “I am the Light of the world,” giving light to the blind man. The divine Mystery is a luminous presence in all creation, yet am I blind to the beauty and integrity of all beings in the Earth community, dismissive of some species and thus disrespectful in word and action?
Loving Creator, give light to my mind and heart so I see and reverence all beings in our common home.
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Fifth Sunday of Lent
“I will place my law within them and write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people. All, from least to greatest, shall know me, says the LORD, for I will forgive their evildoing and remember their sin no more.” Jeremiah 31:31-34
“Our world has become so multipolar and at the same time so complex that a different framework for effective cooperation is required. It is not enough to think only of balances of power but also of the need to provide a response to new problems and to react with global mechanisms to the environmental, public health, cultural and social challenges.” Laudate Deum #42
The first time we saw the astronauts’ images of the blue marble in the heavens in 1969 we knew we had a different responsibility for all of Earth. We didn’t see country borders nor claim a right to any one piece of this miracle of life. We now know 50-some years later that our world urgently needs a new response, a new heart. A new compassion. Our common home needs action now to heal our relationship with animals, water, vegetation and each other.
What change of heart do you hope for? What prejudices do you need to let go of?
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Palm Sunday
“Christ Jesus…humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” Philippians 2:6-11
Our world has become so multipolar and at the same time so complex that a different framework for effective cooperation is required. It is not enough to think only of balances of power but also of the need to provide a response to new problems and to react with global mechanisms to the environmental, public health, cultural and social challenges.” Laudate Deum #68
Both Scripture and Laudate Deum mention humility, from humus, of the soil, of Earth. Jesus accepted both life and death, either natural or caused by human cruelty or indifference. We too are called to carry the suffering of other humans and other species. Amidst the unfathomable and unconscionable suffering in our world, what does solidarity mean? Can it be as small as not complaining? Believing that somehow our own willing acceptance of suffering, as part of the Mystical Body, will lessen the pain of others? Is that part of what it means to be obedient to our mission?
Jesus, help me to follow your path of mindfulness and unity with the entire community of life.
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