Gratitude for 10 years

Central Pacific Province
2011 - 2021
The School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) Central Pacific (CP) Province are excited to celebrate the 10th Anniversary as a unified province.
The former Dallas, Milwaukee, Mankato (Minnesota) and St. Louis Provinces became one on June 12, 2011. After a few years of discernment and prayerful consideration, the Region of Japan joined the CP Province. The 10th Anniversary has brought forward many incredible stories, prayers, reflections and songs, which are accessible below on this resource page.
Celebrated on Saturday, June 12, 2021
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Stories and reflections
Enjoy three reflections from staff members who remember the transition from four provinces to one.
Read about the composers and the inspiration for two songs written for the June 12 celebration.
Learn about the formation of the Ministry Office and Ministry Commission.
A sister and associate share their experience during the transition to the Central Pacific Province.
Ten associates reflect on their 10 years since becoming SSND associates.
Learn about the discerning process for the region of Japan to join the Central Pacific Province.
Michele Levandoski, Archivist, shares a reflection on the forming of the SSND North American Archives.
Enjoy a reflection on the first 10 years of the province by Sister Mary Anne Owens, former provincial leader of the Central Pacific Province.
Sister Debra Sciano, provincial leader, talks about the final days of becoming the Central Pacific Province.
Associates Mary Heyn and Anne Vidacovich share their gift of music for the 10th Anniversary of the Central Pacific Province.
In honor of the 10th Anniversary, a donation will be made to the School Sisters of Notre Dame ministering in South Sudan, Africa.