Meet our donor Associate Rosemary Redmond, JD, MDiv
In the mid-1970’s, Mother Georgianne Segner started Women in Notre Dame (WIND) in the former Dallas Province to encourage the sharing of the Notre Dame charism, prayer, You Are Sent and community among sisters and women who had been part of the community. WIND encouraged those who loved and valued the sisters to maintain a closeness to School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND). This group became part of the SSND associates.
This year marks my 51st anniversary as a practicing attorney. Because Sister Joanna Valoni allowed me to enter the community in 1972, I was able to use my law degree for those who had no advocate. Although I did not take final vows, I still maintain a law practice and serve those in need and those of moderate means. I am always available to sisters and associates who wish to discuss legal matters. My law degree was a gift from my parents and I love sharing this gift.
In 2007, my life took an unexpected ministerial turn. I was asked to pastor the First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, in my hometown of Ennis, Texas. Before long, I went before the Area Christian Church Committee to gain ministerial standing. They asked if I still considered myself a Roman Catholic. I answered, “I do not want to leave my church; however, I feel I am called to preach.” That response satisfied the area ministers and, to this day, I continue to be a Roman Catholic on loan to the Christian Church!
I enrolled in Texas Christian University (TCU) in Fort Worth in 2010, and received a Master of Divinity degree in 2014. I was a full-time student, a full-time pastor and a full-time attorney during those years. I was ordained as a minister in October of 2014. Sister Addie Lorraine Walker and I have known each other since before her first profession, so when she attended my ordination I was honored to have her give the First Testament reading. I was also honored to have Sister Addie Lorraine represent my past and present affiliation with the School Sisters of Notre Dame.
The First Christian Church, Ennis, Texas, closed in 2015, and I was invited to participate at Wayman Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Ennis, for the next five years. I spent that time asking questions and seeking to become more informed about experiences of racism. During this time, I enrolled for a Doctor of Ministry degree at TCU with a concentration in Black Studies.
At the wonderful age of 76, I am a pastor at Rockett Christian Church in Rockett, Texas. The School Sisters of Notre Dame and associates continue to be a thread of Divine Grace that guide my journey!
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