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Nurturing gifts builds stronger faith

Meet our donor Ann Kampeter

Donor Ann KampeterAnn Kampeter’s relationship with the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) dates to her childhood in her parish, St. Thomas the Apostle in Jefferson City, Missouri. When she was 10, Sister Willibald Verling came to her small town. Sister Willibald name helped lead Ann toward a stronger faith and formed her into the person she is today. “We spent many hours together working in the church at St. Thomas the Apostle where I grew up and had many long talks about her calling to be a sister. She was so passionate about her vocation and was focused on serving God and everyone she could. It was an inspiration. It made me think about where I wanted to go with my life.”

Ann has translated the passion Sister Willibald showed into her everyday life not only by working as a parish secretary for St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Jefferson City, Missouri, but also by serving on the board of the Samaritan Center. This organization provides food, clothing, medical and legal help to underprivileged people in Jefferson City and surrounding counties.

Although Sister Willibald has passed, Ann has found many SSND who continue to inspire her. For example, Sister Jean Dietrich was at Helias High School in Jefferson City when Ann was a student there and still serves there as principal. “Sister Jean was one of the people in my life who taught me to keep my faith in the center of my life,” she said. “Helias High School is very blessed to still have Sister Jean as part of their community.”

As parish secretary, Ann regularly worked with Sister Kathleen Wegman, the chancellor of the Jefferson City Diocese. “Sister Kathleen’s selfless giving is a true inspiration to me; she is so compassionate in her work and how she ministers to all of the people in the Jefferson City Diocese.”

“Throughout my life they [sisters] have been there in some way or another. When I was young, I saw their love for God and their strong faith and values. They gave me so much in my life that supporting them now is just a way to give back a little.”

Ann believes the sisters have inspired her to have a charitable side and to give selflessly. “I have been very lucky to have the sisters as part of my life and I will always be grateful for their influence. The [sisters] gave so much to me that I just want to give back,” she said. “I want to thank them for all they do. They are truly a blessing.”

The Women’s Leadership Luncheons are one way Ann chooses to support the SSND. For the past few years, Ann has been the Presenting Sponsor for the Luncheons. When asked why she finds the Luncheons important, Ann shared, “It’s important because it teaches women to get out there and be leaders, in their own communities.”

Original story featured in donor newsletter Vol. 1 2018.

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School Sisters of Notre Dame

320 East Ripa Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63125

Phone: 314-561-4100



© 2022 School Sisters of Notre Dame
