Meet Sister Susan Jordan
Sister Susan Jordan was born in St. Louis, Mo. She professed first vows as a School Sister of Notre Dame there in 1963. She served as a teacher for 15 years in St. Louis at Rosary, Labouré and Kennedy high schools. From 1981 to 2007, she was the Coordinator for the Midwest Coalition for Responsible Investment, a faith-based regional organization that collaborates with similar groups and the national Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility. These groups use the power of investments to influence corporate policies related to justice issues (such as human rights and supply chains, disarmament and nuclear power, genetically modified seeds, climate change, etc.). She simultaneously served the School Sisters of Notre Dame as a social responsibility resource person. She was a provincial councilor for the former St. Louis Province from 2007 to 2011, and the Central Pacific Province from 2011 to present.
Sister Susan earned her bachelor’s in Latin with a minor in French from the former Notre Dame College in St. Louis in 1965 and a master’s in education with a concentration in French from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville in 1973.
On how my ministries have prepared me for leadership …
I am a life-long learner and an educator; I appreciate each sister and the internationality of our congregation. I have an ever-growing awareness of justice issues including Earth-related issues – global, national and local -- and I more and more realize that the situations and needs I see and experience are part of my call and offer the opportunity and the responsibility to respond.
In our congregation, we all share responsibility for the life and mission of the congregation. For those called by the community to the ministry of leadership, that call is to animate fidelity to the charism and unify and direct the fulfillment of our mission.
Our SSND Constitution, You Are Sent, c 41, says, “…leadership, in openness to the Spirit, is one of loving service.”
One inspiring Scripture verse …
“Your Word is my strength,” Psalm 119:28, has many levels of interpretation and offers many opportunities for prayer.
A lasting mark I hope to leave …
I hope that mindful of our SSND mission and values, I have courage and grace to speak the truth in word and example, to listen, minister and participate in all spheres of life – congregation, church, world — local, national and global.
Photo credit: Sister Mary Kay Gosch