Sister Dawn Achs greets visitors at the 2017 Women's Leadership Luncheon in Dallas.
Join us for a Women’s Leadership Luncheon

You are invited to a Women’s Leadership Luncheon. The luncheons further the understanding of leadership and bring women leaders and colleagues together to reflect on the integration of the spiritual and professional dimensions of life. Held during the month of March, the events will be hosted in Dallas, Milwaukee, St. Louis and St. Paul. Luncheons kick off March 1, and registration deadlines are coming up fast.
For more information and registration »

isters Mariel Kreuziger and Anton Marie Voissem, associate LeVonne Wille and volunteer Sarah Hasbrouck visit detainees at the Dodge Detention Facility in Juneau, Wisconsin.
Visit to detained student leads to new ministry

Sisters Mariel Kreuziger and Anton Marie Voissem, along with associates Jane Lord and LaVonne Wille, volunteer at the Dodge Detention Facility, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement center. The sisters and associates minister to the detainees, many of whom have been in the facility for months to years. The detainees are awaiting the next steps in the legal process related to their refugee and immigrant statuses, and SSNDs provide a listening ear and spiritual guidance to those of all faiths.
Learn More »

Donor Ann Kampeter has given generously to SSND over the years. She is based out of Jefferson City, Missouri.
Just released – the winter edition of the SSNDCP Newsletter

Read the winter edition of the School Sisters of Notre Dame Central Pacific Province Newsletter. The newsletter features information about the Central Pacific Province’s corporate stance on comprehensive immigration reform and three stories about donors, including Ann Kampeter, who have faithfully given to the sisters for many years.
Read Now »

The School Sisters of Notre Dame held their annual Wine and Chocolate Soiree on Saturday, May 20th, 2017. The event was held at Our Lady of Good Counsel, Mankato.
Wine & Chocolate Soirees

Join us for the signature event of the year, the Wine & Chocolate Soiree. Events will be held in Elm Grove, Wisconsin, April 14; St. Louis, April 21; and Mankato, Minnesota, May 19 as listed on our calendar of events.

A sister prepares for a race with students in Milwaukee.
Preserve SSND’s legacy

Do you know the difference between an archive and a library? Do you know what you will find in SSND’s North American archives? Learn more about the archives initiative and how you can support it.

A student receives ashes on Ash Wednesday in Milwaukee.
2018 Lenten Reflections

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 14. Our Prayer Experiences webpage will feature Lenten reflections by sisters and associates during this holy and special time of year.

Image of praying hands holding rosary
SSND stands against human trafficking

Join SSND and the world for the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking on February 8.


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