Christmas Novena

Prayer - Christmas Novena
We invite you to join us in our Christmas Novena
as we pray the O Antiphons from December 17-23.
The authorship and exact date of the O Antiphons
are not known though they date back to at least the
9th century, and probably much earlier. These
prayerful jewels of the Advent liturgy are inspired
by Isaiah.

O Sapientia…O Wisdom, O Holy Word of God…
come and teach us the way to salvation.

O Adonai…O Lord and Leader of the house of Israel…
stretch out your hand to set us free.

O Radix Jesse…O Flower of Jesse’s stem…
come, let nothing keep you from coming to our aid…

O Clavis David…O Key of David…
break down the prison walls of death…
and lead your captive people into freedom.

O Oriens…O Radiant Dawn…
shine on those who dwell in darkness
and the shadow of death.

O Rex Gentium…O King of all the nations…
come and save the creature you fashioned from the dust.

O Emmanuel…God-with-us…
come and save us, Lord our God.

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